Persistently repeated efforts, however negligible, can yield great results. See Дятел и дуб продалбливает (Д), Мало-помалу птичка гнездо свивает (M), По волоску всю бороду выщиплешь (П)
Var.: Капля и камень точит. Капля по капле и камень долбит
Cf: Constant dripping wears away a stone (Am.). Constant dropping wears away a stone (Br.). Constant dropping wears away the stone (Am.). Drop by drop the lake is drained (Br.). The falling drops at last will wear the stone (Am.). It's a steady stream that wears a stone (Am.). Many drops of water will sink a ship (Am.). Spit on a (the) stone, /and/ it will be wet at last (Br.). A steady drop makes a hole in a rock (Am.)

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